Water Conservation
Below are resources for how we use and conserve water.
Local Resources
Don't know which watershed you live in? You can search by address on the Galveston Bay Report Card's Find Your Watershed tool (regional map) or the Texas Watershed Viewer from Texas Parks and Wildlife (state map). These maps from Bayou Preservation Association show the 22 bayou systems and waterways in the greater Houston region. Most of these watersheds are located within Harris County and extend to Spring Creek, Clear Creek, and Cedar Bayou, plus Lake Houston.
Find your water district using the TCEQ’s ArcGIS map, and then check the status of your drinking water using the Texas Drinking Water Watch database. Great datasets for high school students.
Houston Public Works hosts many programs, including an annual WaterWorks Festival, Project WET training for teachers, outreach to schools, and field trips to the WaterWorks Education Center in Humble (currently closed for repairs). Contact waterworks@houstontx.gov for information.
All Grade Levels
NOAA Marine Debris lesson plans, activities and videos about the sources and repercussions of trash in the Gulf. Sorted by grade level and topic. PDF Version or as a WORD DOC.
elementary school
Audits available from the National Wildlife Federation for grades K-2
Audits available from the National Wildlife Federation for grades 3-5
In this local, teacher-created lesson for 4th grade, students will build their own aquifer. After analyzing how the water cycle and human use impact the aquifer, they will discuss they best ways to conserve water. PDF Version, or Word Version.
Take Care of Texas for grades 4-6:
Try this fun, easy activity with paper & markers to model a watershed in action. WORD DOC or PDF Version. Science, 4th Grade TEK 7, 8 or 5th Grade TEK 7.
middle/high school
Virtual Field Trip
Virtual Field Trip to the San Antonio Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Use this Teacher Viewing Guide (PDF) or (Word Version) and Student Viewing Guide (PDF) with After the Flush.
Accompany the video with a wastewater treatment activity (Word Version) or (PDF) in which students attempt to remove pollutants from water with various products.
Great for MS/HS Science.
Audits available from the National Wildlife Federation for grades 6-8:
Audits available from the National Wildlife Federation for grades 9-12:
Texas Aquatic Science is a comprehensive aquatic science curriculum, from molecules to ecosystems, and headwaters to ocean, for middle school and high school students; it includes an online student textbook, a teacher guide, specially produced videos, and supplementary materials.
Additional Resources
Design your own lab to test the effect of chemicals on algae. (WORD Version or PDF Version). STEM contents applies to multiple Science courses.
Water Usage Awareness Activity (WORD Version or PDF Version) with lots of math problems!
Use this Instructable from Elequa. Kids build their own water purification system using household items, or purchase a coagulation kit. STEM content applies to multiple Science courses.
The importance of clean water to Houston’s chefs.
Keep fishing line out of the water.
Dickinson Bayou is considered impaired by the state of Texas for high levels of bacteria and low levels of dissolved oxygen.